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"This powerful woman of God has impacted my life personally in ways I can’t describe. God is using her to raise up leaders for the …next generation of His Kingdom work. Eight Ministries is committed to equipping and developing leadership and helping people grow personally and professionally. Having been on staff at one of largest churches in America, Arnita personally grew her small group ministry from a few to over 300 in just a short few years. Now her passion to grow overcomers has taken her into areas of training and equipping as well as consulting. Because of her impact, I am celebrating her as a History Maker for Black History Month.  You go girl. Seriously, thank you sis for such sound advice/coaching. You are a delight! Your coaching is realistic, insightful, and empowering. I just wish every leader and organization would have an Arnita Willis Taylor on their side. Blessed to have you Elevate me!”

- A.M.

“I have always thought that you are just beautiful, strong, real and passionate! Evan has changed Tyler’s life and you have mentored me in motherhood without even knowing it! Thank you for being the fabulous you that God purposes you to be!!”

- S.W.

“Arnita Willis Taylor, My Tell it like it is friend. I love being around you and the way you challenge me each time you speak. You challenge without judgment; it is a fine line that most people cannot pull off. Thank you for making those around you stronger! Last November, I went to the Octane Leadership Development Conference. I went mainly out of curiosity and a feeling that I would have a lot to learn even though I am not a business owner and I’ve only worked part-time for the last decade to stay home with my kids and homeschool them. But…. I went and thoroughly enjoyed every single speaker! I wanted to tell you that I took 4 pages of great notes from Colleen’s YouTube Marketing Secrets, not knowing why I would need them. As God is so awesome, he was preparing me.  Recently, I have been tasked to manage our small company’s social media efforts. Though I have a lot to learn, I feel I had a lot of knowledge under my belt and felt prepared to forge ahead with these Secrets! I just wanted to say THANKS to you both and to let you know you’ve been a great help!”


- J.S.

“Hello! In the spirit of Thanksgiving and all the things I must be thankful for, I wanted to tell you how much you impacted my life! I don’t think words can effectively articulate what is in my heart, but I just wanted you at least have an idea! When I first came to you, I was broken. It was the lowest point in my life! Your words planted seeds in my heart that would eventually grow into something so big that it would impact people all over the world! I began to see myself the way God sees me and change my thinking. A byproduct of that was dealing with my issues and eventually losing over 100 lbs. At the beginning of this year, I began working for Faith, Food and Fitness coaching people to transform their lives by the renewing of their minds. I cannot tell you how many people I have shared the story of the first time you and I met. I tell them that after being involved in church my entire life, you are the only person who introduced me to Grace! Your exact words were, “God doesn’t love you anymore if you are doing things FOR Him.” I cannot tell you how many people I’ve had the opportunity to share your words, “Go wants you to just BE.” I see it all the time now. A lot of my clients are in the ministry and just “spent”. There is a huge “works” mentality in people and the Revelation that no matter how much we “DO”, God will not love us anymore than He already does is HUGE! I just wanted to thank you for investing into my life! It IS possible to LIVE in Freedom and when I share my testimony, I mention the lady who got the wheels in my mind to turning and think about the fact that I don’t have to DO anything to earn His Love!”

- M.E.

“Thank you for sharing your “earned wisdom” regarding vision casting. What an amazing session yesterday. You are extraordinary and I am so blessed to know you.”

- D.P.

“Arnita, I was so blessed to be led and fed by you today. You have a passion for Leadership and women particularly and to help them to be empowered and lead. You gave some real meat today on mission and Vision and the light bulb went off and really simplified some things on these 2 topics. I love that you are random, authentic, and fun. God has given you many giftings and he is using them for his Glory. With a grateful heart.  ”

- W.V.


“Thank you for a learning, inspiring, challenging and spirit fed time today! I will use what you presented to help me in my leadership roles. You rock! And what a group of women!”


- P.H.

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